Friday, February 13, 2009

DS Review: Strawberry Shortcake - Strawberryland Games

I didn't go into reviewing this title expecting much, and it turns out that I was pretty accurate in my assumptions. This has got to be one of THE crummiest titles I have EVER had the misfortune of wasting my time playing just for the sake of reviewing.

I thought I'd try this one out just for the nostalgia factor if nothing else, because this is VERY toddler-oriented. 3+.... Yeah. About that? Guess what. There's no way in HELL a 3 year old could successfully win this game.

For example, the first game is the Licorice Leap. You place down gumdrops in the river as jump points for either Pupcake or Custard (your choice) to leap upon from point to point, with the aim of trying hard not to land in the water. You ALSO must try to get first place amongst the other contestents. THIS is the part that proves to be impossible. And seeing as the aim of the game is to "win first place fair and square", it poses quite a problem. Whose genius idea was it to develop a game for toddlers that's so frustrating, it's bound to make them cry? It's sick!

The music is maddening and the graphics are a JOKE. People got paid to make this?

Seeing as I couldn't even beat that first game (and I tried for about a WEEK), how is a little kid supposed to do this? Oh yeah - they can't. Gee, I can't imagine WHY this game was a limited production release...

This game gets a measley 1/2 of a strawberry. I'd suggest that you definitely do NOT waste your money (or your time) on this one.

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