You know, I've got to hand it to the people at Imagine. They seem to be good at one thing, and one thing only: taking careers that would otherwise be extremely exciting, and then turning them into THE most boring, pathetic, stereotypical excuses of said careers possible. (And then some.) For some reason - probably for the same strange mysterious reason I continue to return to the Imagine games time and time again, despite having a very negative track record with them - I had higher hopes for this. How could they POSSIBLY wreck something as exciting as movie stardom? Oh, they did. Did they ever... Let me tell you about it!
When you think of what the responsibilities of being a movie star entails, what comes to mind? Acting, probably. Maybe dealing with the paparazzi and fans. Let me tell you something... there is not one iota of acting involved in this game. At all. This may as well be Imagine: Paris Hilton because it seems that you're only famous for the sake of being famous. So what DOES this game involve, you may ask? Hahahahaha.....about that......
When you think of what the responsibilities of being a movie star entails, what comes to mind? Acting, probably. Maybe dealing with the paparazzi and fans. Let me tell you something... there is not one iota of acting involved in this game. At all. This may as well be Imagine: Paris Hilton because it seems that you're only famous for the sake of being famous. So what DOES this game involve, you may ask? Hahahahaha.....about that......
You pick out clothes. A *lot* of clothes. Just about every single level, you will be picking out outfits set to a very strict standard. Aren't celebrities supposed to have, y'know, stylists for that? Not here, they don't. And then just about every single matter what it is you're supposed to be actually doing (be it dancing, posing for photographers, etc), all you do is tap colored shapes and follow around a long tail of....I don't know what. That's it. That's the whole game. It's TERRIBLE. How this title EVER got released in a million years, I will NEVER KNOW. I know that if I were a little girl and my parents bought me this? I'd probably play it for 5 minutes before trashing it in the bottom of the toybox, never to see the light of day again. Also, the graphics are terrible and the music is horribly, horribly annoying.
Seriously, spare yourself the trouble. I would vote this ZERO stars if it were an option, it's that much of a stinker!!
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