Monday, January 4, 2010

DS Review: MySims Racing

Remember how a while back, the MySims line already ripped off one of the Mario series titles when they released their game MySims Party? Well... looks as though they've done it again. This time, however, they've gone and done it with MySims Racing, and, as you may have already surmised, it's basically a complete and total rip-off of Mario Kart... right down to the fact that you don't even race in regular cars; you are, indeed, in a go-kart.

You still have the typical cutesy MySims style characters and animation the whole way through, which is a redeeming factor I suppose - it at least keeps some degree of stability throughout their series, much like the Legos games all having the same animation style - but at the same time, I do realize that there's only so much you can do with this style. Still... One would think that a company like EA Games would be able to think up something a little more original rather than rip off the competition so blatantly, right?

No matter what game mode you play, it's really not much different from Mario Kart Racing. You drive around, do races (obviously), but the one difference is that as you drive around the streets, there are also a great number of characters littered along your paths, who you have the option of helping on mini-missions to earn points that you can upgrade your car's parts with. So, if you want a good car capable of leveling up, not helping these characters is not an option; you'll have to at least do a few. As I don't believe there's any of this in Mario Kart, this is the only thing that really sets it apart as being unique.

My own personal opinion here is that EA Games should ought to set forth to try and come up with more original ideas instead of just copying NIntendo's. Just a thought. Should they do that, I feel their games will improve exponentially. Rating this a 6 out of 10 go-karts.

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