Thursday, June 4, 2009

DS Review: Hannah Montana - The Movie

Yet another Hannah Montana DS game. (Does anybody know what ever ended up happening with "Hannah Montana: Pop Star Exclusive"? I'm beginning to think it doesn't really exist. Never shows up on Ebay, can't find anywhere online that sells it, can't even find anyone who's PLAYED it. And there aren't even any roms of it online to download. I'm seriously doubting its legitimacy...) This time, based on Hannah Montana: The Movie. (Which I'm not ashamed to admit I went and saw and was surprisingly pretty good.)

The animation style in this one has improved from the past 2 games. Most of the characters look way more realistic this time around. And the music? KUDOS to Disney for FINALLY using the ACTUAL Hannah songs in the game! I was expecting the lame MIDI-sounding versions of the songs again, but nope, they found a way to fit the actual songs in there this time :) In their entireties, even!

Plotwise, meh, the game's lacking. They leave out a LOT of crucial points in the storyline. Ones big enough to probably make the game not even make sense in quite a few places. And then gives much bigger amounts of attention to places that BARELY even were mentioned in the movie - that didn't even really concern Hannah! Not to mention, the layout of the farmhouse (and the ranch in general) was EXQUISITE.

I have compiled a list of ways in which I think this game could be improved. Take note, Disney, in case you ever decide to put out another Hannah game (even though I think Mileymania is dying out):
  • If you're basing a game off an episode or a movie in particular, follow the plot more closely. I know, you can't include everything, but this was a really poor attempt, guys.
  • When you're playing the instruments in the game during the songs, actually have the notes match up with what's being played instead of just being random notes.
  • Have a playback option when you finish the songs so you can watch the dance sequences.
  • Four words: TYRA BANKS SHOE FIGHT.
  • Include Lilly's birthday party.
  • Give a run option to cut down on the time it takes to travel from one place to the next.
  • Reduce the amount of time wasted on Jackson's storyline
  • Have more songs in the game to be unlocked! Honestly... They included Robbie Ray at the gazebo, but didn't have that Butterfly song?
  • Include the Lorelei storyline
  • Have more happen in detail with the running back and forth between the dinner with the mayor and Miley's date.
  • Make the wi-fi chatroom option actually WORK.
I completed the entire game in about 2 hours, tops. While multitasking on instant messenger and checking emails. I feel the game itself should have probably been longer, but you can't have everything. It's not a bad game, but there's definite room for improvement. I'm rating this game a 7.5 out of 10 butterflies.

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