Monday, October 26, 2009

DS Review: My Make-Up

I'm just going to throw it out there, make-up games are quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to the video game industry (well...aside from the Imagine games, of course). Ever since it was realized that there was a female audience, they've been making these. And remaking them. And re-remaking them, and so on and so on. But really, how much can you do to make sure a game original at this point? Not much, that's what. It's pretty much impossible to make an enjoyable one...and this is no exception.

First, let me note that the game jacket says that this game is for ages 3 and up. I will now also inform you that any parent who buys this game for their young child is a sadist. The way in which you're expected to apply the makeup is fairly realistic... to the point where you may as well just hand them your real makeup kit. If they're not good at drawing, they'll fail miserably here. Even worse if they can't color inside the lines. (And what three year old can?) And that's just the regular makeup. Most of the makeover requests you'll be receiving, you're expected to do facepainting. ...Excuse me, WHAT? No. This is bull. Especially since your actual artistic capabilities here are being severely challenged. For someone who'd normally venture to say she's a pretty good artist, I wasn't expecting this to be much of a problem. However, drawing on the DS has always been difficult, and I suppose probably always will be. And when you get it wrong? The clients are downright RUDE to you. For a little kid, I suppose this might be devastating to them. (At least the sensitive ones anyway.) On top of that, you're also at the mercy of slow loading screens every single time you have to do anything, pretty much. This was more aggravating to me than practically everything else put together here. I wasn't able to test out the wireless function since I don't know anyone else with this, so I had to stick to the game itself. And it's really not much of a game, at that. I'm pretty sure it's open-ended and there's no actual ending to it, but I'm not going to play it for months just to find out. I'm giving this 2 out of 10 lipstick tubes.

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