Monday, January 2, 2012

PC Review: Bistro Boulevard

Yes, yes, I know. You're going to get on my case here about all the Diner Dash-esque games one of these days. What can I say? I truly enjoy them!

Anyway, Bistroy Boulevard I'm going to have to admit straight off the bat is nothing special to stand apart from the pack. It's actually almost like Diner Dash-Lite, since all you have to do is find a way to seat all your patrons and make sure your service is up to par enough to where everyone will be served in a prompt manner. This is more difficult in earlier levels when you have little money to work with for adding extra tables, and they're so desperately needed.

Also, in this game, you unlock new dishes by having to actually guess the recipes for them. (Well, the ingredients, anyway.) This sounds easier than it actually is unless you're a dedicated foodie. And it costs money for each try. When you're strapped for cash to begin with, it makes it VERY difficult.

The money issues in this game force me to have to give it a low rating. The first couple of restaurants, you can barely scrape your way through, but everything beyond that, unless you know some well-guarded secret about this game, FORGET IT. You won't be able to get anywhere and progress whatsoever. And what fun is that if you're stuck with it in gridlock? I'll give this game a generous 3 out of 5 star rating.